Mkurugenzi wa HakiArdhi Yefred Myenzi kulia akifafanua jambo wakati wa mafunzo ya haki ya ardhi kwa waandishi wa habari yenye lengo la kujifunza namna ya chimbuko na masingi katika sera na sheria za ardhi nchini, uwekezaji katika ardhi za vijiji na atha zake kwa wazalishaji wadogo na uandishi wa habari za kiuchungu katika hoteli ya Kings Way Msamvu mkoani Morogoro, kushoto ni Mkufunzi wa habari za kiuchunguzi nchini Ndimara Teganbwage.

An advocate with Haki Ardhi, Joseph Chiombola stresses a point at media professionals land rights training session held in King’s Way Hoteli Morogoro, looking on is training moderator Gerald Kitabu.
By Edward Qorro.
Land rights activists have opined that the new Constitution should guarantee individual Tanzanians oermanent ownership of the resource.
Under section four of the 1999 land Act, land is the public propert under the guardianship of th President, a case which activists think does not augur well for individual’s right to land ownership.
They warned that leaving land matters in that hands of the state and the President could is futyre fuel land disputes.
Speaking on the sidelines of a media professionals land right training held in Morogoro on Friday, the activists notes tha current Constitution has given the head of state too much power over land, which according to them, has been the cause of numberous land disputer.
“The issue of land shold not be overlooked in the new Constitution, the current one is silent on land ownership” Observed Joseph Chiombola, an advocate wth Haki Ardhi-aland rights research and resource organisation.
Mr Chiombola noted that during all the times-14 in number-when the Constitution was amended, power over the land were vested in the Prisedent.
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